บริษัทฯ มีนโยบายในการอำนวยความสะดวกให้แก่ผู้ถือหุ้นในการเข้าร่วมประชุม ดังนี้

The Company has the policy to facilitate the shareholders in attending the annual general meeting of shareholders as follows.

  • Providing adequate business information including the updated important information viathe SET's and the Company's website.
  • All shareholders including the institutional shareholders have been continuously encouraged to participate and vote in the shareholders meeting for material matters that may affect their rights and interests. In addition to the meeting invitation letter, the Company also makes a telephone call to remind the institutional shareholders to attend the meeting as well as facilitate to collect the proxy and supporting documents in case they cannot attend meeting.
  • In case the Company holds meeting at their head office in Samutprakarn, transportation from convenient location in town to meeting venue will be provided.
  • Proxy, required documents for the meeting and proxy delegation process will be attached with meeting invitation. Duty stamps will be available to facilitate the proxy.

Download attachments of Notice of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Filename Download
Attachment for EGM no.1/2024
Attachment 1 : A copy of the Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Download431.9 KB
Attachment 2 : Profiles of directors who be proposed and directors who may be appointed as proxy Download191.5 KB
Attachment 3 : Amendment of the Operating Procedures Download349.2 KB
Attachment 4 : Company’s Articles of Association (Relating to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders) Download160.9 KB
Attachment 5 : Guidelines for attending the EGM through Electronic Media (E-EGM) and the Appointment of Proxies Download285.7 KB
Attachment 6 : Registration form for attending the EGM through Electronic Media (E-EGM) Download147.7 KB
Attachment 7.1 : Proxy Form A Download157.3 KB
Attachment 7.2 : Proxy Form B Download180.0 KB
Attachment 7.3 : Proxy Form C Download193.4 KB
Attachment 8 : Privacy Notice for the Shareholder’s Meeting Download120.2 KB
Attachment for 2024 AGM
Attachment 1 : A copy of the Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Download442.0 KB
Attachment 2 : 2023 Annual Report Download19,659.8 KB
Attachment 3 : Profiles of directors who be proposed for re-election and directors who may be appointed as proxy Download260.8 KB
Attachment 4 : List and profile of the auditors Download215.3 KB
Attachment 5 : Amendment of the Operating Procedures Download452.3 KB
Attachment 6 : Company’s Articles of Association (Relating to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders) Download120.1 KB
Attachment 7 : Guidelines for attending the AGM through Electronic Media (E-AGM) and the Appointment of Proxies Download320.8 KB
Attachment 8 : Registration form for attending the AGM through Electronic Media (E-AGM) Download80.2 KB
Attachment 9.1 : Proxy Form A Download121.8 KB
Attachment 9.2 : Proxy Form B Download166.7 KB
Attachment 9.3 : Proxy Form C Download179.5 KB
Attachment 10 : Privacy Notice for the Shareholder’s Meeting Download125.3 KB
Attachment 11 : Request Form for the 2023 Annual Report in hard copy Download66.0 KB

Download Form to Propose AGM Agenda and Director Nomination Form

Filename Download
Form to Propose AGM Agenda Download79.0 KB
Director Nomination Form Download146.3 KB