Delta Hosts Annual Partner Meeting 2019

Samutprakarn, Thailand, December 13, 2019–Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. welcomed its partners to the Delta Annual Partner Meeting 2019 at the company head office in Bangpoo Industrial Estate. The theme of this meeting was how to adapt to the new business landscape of the US-China trade war and ramp up the scale and digitization of operations in Thailand.

In the morning, Mr. Vichai Saksuriya, Operations Vice President, welcomed the guests and everyone to work together closer to ensure mutual benefits and greater success. Next, Warehouse and Production shared the latest developments in Delta’s logistics scale up in Thailand and big data driven quality system.
Next, the Sustainable Development Committee showcased Delta’s implementation of the circular economy and gave a talk on Delta’s activities to support anti-corruption.

In the afternoon, Product Development and technology experts shared latest the industry’s developments and development roadmap. Quality Control gave an update on the latest standards and best practices and HR shared about the Thai government’s e-Visa program for overseas suppliers operating in Thailand. Finally, Material and Automotive departments shared their updates and requirement’s to supplier.

After the meeting, everyone joined in a public show of support for Delta’s anti-corruption policy which support’s the Thai government’s initiative to stamp out corruption for a more fair and prosperous society.

16 December 2019