Delta Drives EV Charging Education in Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand, January 21, 2019 - Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. joined an EV education project to raise awareness of EV charging solutions and help boost EV adoption in Thailand. Delta is supporting the project, organized by a global EV leader, to highlight the benefits of the Delta AC Mini Plus EV Charger for home charging and outline quick DC charging options in the country. The project is a roadshow for the public held at Central shopping malls in the Bangkok metropolitan area from January to March.

At the kickoff event, at Central Eastville Bangkok Shopping Mall, customers explored the Delta AC Mini Plus EV Charger at the product showcase and asked questions to sales and technical staff onsite. The organizers also invited customers to learn more at special talks by industry experts on EVs and EV charging in Thailand. In his one-hour talk, Mr. Kittisak Ngoenngokngam, Delta SEA Business Director, highlighted the outstanding performance, safety and value of Delta’s EV charging solutions. Mr.  Kittisak explained the EV charging the options available to Thai consumers, demonstrated the home charger and answered questions from the audience.

The product showcases and the special talk attracted strong interest among Thai car owners. The practicality and affordability of EV charging at home impressed many visitors. In addition, Delta’s in-depth explanations about charging safety and its upcoming quick charging network helped inform and inspire the audience. The many positive reactions and excellent engagement with the public made the kickoff event a success.

As a green solutions provider, Delta welcomes collaboration to raise awareness of clean transportation and encourage EV adoption in Thailand. Delta commits to innovative EV charging solutions to build a sustainable and healthy society while delivering on its brand promise: Smarter. Greener. Together.

23 January 2019