Delta Thailand Joins Public and Private Sector Leaders to Discuss Solutions for EV Talent Development in Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand, September 20, 2023- Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. represented the EV parts manufacturing sector at a seminar featuring government, academic and industry leaders to discuss solutions for EV talent development in Thailand. The seminar, organized by Dassault Systèmes and the Thai Electric Vehicle Association (EVAT), was called Closing the Skills Gap in Thailand-Shifting Gears to Electric Vehicles.

Speakers highlighted the urgent need for acceleration in Thailand’s research and development (R&D) and talent development for highly skilled personnel in both R&D and digital technology for local EV technology. EVAT and Dassault Systèmes announced collaboration on a new EV curriculum. The new training aims to provide project-centric learning experiences to harness the potential of the Dassault Systèmes 3D EXPERIENCE platform used by the global automotive industry to develop products through virtual twin simulations and manage the product lifecycle.

Delta EV manufacturer

Mr. Chih-hao Huang, Delta SEA Regional CHRO, shared the company’s talent development strategy and activities as an early EV parts supplier in Thailand to global brands. This includes government-academic-industrial collaboration such as the Delta Automation Academy with seven top university partners and the support of the government.

Last year, Delta and the Board of Investment (BOI) opened the Power Electronics Lab at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok and launched a power electronics committee with partner universities to develop Thai automation and electrical engineering talent. Delta is also one of the only companies to offer Thai students scholarships for international study and work in Taiwan a global electronics and technology leader.

Thailand has the largest automotive industry in Southeast Asia and a competitive advantage with the government’s ambitious target to become an EV hub with the 30@30 policy aiming for zero-emission EVs to be at least 30% of total vehicle production by 2030. Delta welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with government agencies, educational and vocational institutions, industry leaders and technology partners to overcome the challenge of skills gap and foster local talent for sustainable development.

11 October 2023