Delta Volunteers Renovate Samut Prakarn School

Samutprakarn, Thailand, April 21, 2018 - Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. provided volunteer labor and donated materials to paint a covered multipurpose sports stadium at the Samut Prakarn School. Founded in 1883, the public school is a key educational institution in Samutprakarn province that offers junior high school and high school education to 3,250 students. Mr. Chansin Kitsangthong, Samut Prakarn School Director, led 100 teachers and students to welcome Mr. Anusorn Muttaraid, Delta Executive Director, Delta managers and 30 Delta volunteers along with community representatives including officials from the Labor Court, the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare.

With 30 years of operations in its Samutprakarn headquarters, Delta has longstanding ties with the local community, who have played a key role in the company’s successful operations and steady growth over the years. Many employees are now living with their families in the province and have children studying at the Samut Prakarn School. The renovation project gives students a new place to enhance learning experiences, improve health and boost well-being through sports and physical education. In addition, the stadium will serve as a venue for community activities during school holidays.

This project is part of the Delta’s commitment to the community and to its priority sustainable goal of quality education for Thailand’s children. Delta leverages its social partnerships and educational promotion projects in primary schools, high schools and universities across the country to boost social development and foster beneficial relationships with the community.     

21 April 2018