Delta Welcomes Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association and BOI to Explore Smart and Green Opportunities

Bangkok, Thailand, May 27, 2024–Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. welcomed a delegation of 35 members of the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (TEEMA) and the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) Taipei Office to its green factory and head office.

As a leading electronics company with 35 years of growth in Thailand, Delta is a model of success for the BOI. The BOI-led TEEMA visit aimed to provide Taiwan electronics manufacturers the opportunity to learn about Delta’s business expansion, energy management for green factory operations and factory automation products and solutions.

Mr. Victor Cheng, Delta Thailand CEO, welcomed Ms. Sasirataon Chantchupongs, Director of the Thailand Board of Investment Taipei Office, Ms. Dheerangkun Uchino, Chief of Economic Affairs Section from Thailand Trade and Economic Office, and the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association.

Delta TEEMA 3

Delta Thailand managers then introduced the company operations, industrial automation business group, investment in Thailand and green factory projects for RE100 targets. In addition, the delegation toured the company showroom to explore products and solutions for Thailand and Southeast Asian markets. The visit concluded with a Q&A session for the honored guests.

As a leading electronics company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Delta Thailand is the regional R&D, business and manufacturing center for Delta Group’s businesses in Southeast Asia and Australia. Delta welcomes collaboration with the BOI and other government organizations to boost investment and development of Thailand’s electronics industry.

30 May 2024