Delta Joins Industry Leaders to Discuss Decarbonizing Business Strategies at Economist Impact Sustainability Week Asia

Bangkok, Thailand, March 12, 2024-Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. represented Thailand’s advanced electronics manufacturing sector at the 3rd Annual Sustainability Week Asia by Economist Impact held at the Athenee Hotel, Bangkok. Delta joined a special panel discussion titled-Fostering a carbon market in Asia-which featured regional electronics industry leaders and the Singapore Management University to discuss decarbonizing business models and strategies in the region.

Mr. Victor Cheng, Delta Thailand CEO, said, “I believe there needs to be more collective and effective action to see tangible results towards a greener and more sustainable future for the region. That is why Delta has committed to the global RE100 initiative. Exploring opportunities like the establishment of a carbon market for Asia could be one such collective effort. Since 2022, Delta has implemented an internal carbon pricing scheme to at $300 per ton of CO2 emissions to fulfill our commitment of RE100 by 2030.”

In its third year, Sustainability Week Asia by Economist Impact aims to connect sustainability changemakers, purpose-driven consumers and business leaders to gain the tools needed to transition to net-zero, faster. This year 800 senior leaders in Bangkok gathered for case studies, in-depth panels, private roundtable discussions and networking opportunities,

Delta was invited as a special guest to an industry panel alongside Malaysian telecom conglomerate Axiata, Signify and Singapore Management University. Delta is the only Thailand electronics manufacturer listed on Dow Jones Sustainability Indices’ World Index from 2022 to 2023. Delta Thailand also has the Supplier Engagement Leader 2022 recognition by CDP for supply chain sustainability.

As an ESG leader in Thailand’s electronics sector, Delta welcomes opportunities to engage with partners to realize low-carbon society and net-zero transition. The company’s effective sustainable development strategy aligns with the best practices in carbon emission.

13 March 2024