Delta Sustainable Development Part 2: Working Towards SD Success at Delta Thailand

SD Work

Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, the sustainable development movement at Delta Thailand is the fruit of management foresight and vision, the Delta Thailand SD Team’s daily work and continuous collaboration and support of everyone in our organization.

In Part 2 of our series on Delta Thailand’s sustainable development (SD) we take a closer look at our SD Team and how SD values benefit all of us and our stakeholders:

  • What are the goals of the SD Team?
  • How does the SD Team measure our sustainability?
  • What’s the value of SD activities to our work?

What are the goals of the SD Team?

SD Goals

Nowadays, our customers, investors and regulators focus more and more on our company’s Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) performance to guide their Delta-related business decisions for their long-term benefit.

As such, the Delta Thailand SD Team’s aim is to help Delta realize and capture opportunities arising from global trends to drive our long-term growth in both blue and white ocean markets. To do this we collaborate with related Delta functions to:

Improve our ESG performance
Consult and align ESG performance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard which is a benchmark for global companies across industries with a science-based methodology.
In addition, we work to enhance data-driven processes in our organization to optimize our company’s investment in necessary areas while publicly disclosing Delta’s ESG performance for transparency to stakeholders and the general public.

How does the SD Team measure our sustainability?

sustainability measurement

The GRI is an independent, international organization that helps businesses and other organizations take responsibility for their impacts, by providing them with the global common language to communicate those impacts. The GRI Standards are the world’s most widely used standards for sustainability reporting.

The Delta Thailand SD team discloses over 1,200 data points and 219 KPIs yearly to the GRI and to maintain the highest level of transparency, we never omit any KPIs required by GRI Standards. SD disclosure is not simply collecting data to copy and paste in forms. In fact, we need to establish and standardize each related department’s data collection process and their calculation according to the five GRI principles for report quality:

  1. Accuracy
  2. Balance
  3. Clarity
  4. Comparability
  5. Timeliness

We’re frequently assigned to implement cross-function policies, jobs and find scientific evidence to affirm our company alignment to global standards. Our transparent and provable disclosure is used as public evidence to qualify to enter the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).

The DJSI Corporate Sustainability Assessment has 600 data points, 120 questions, 20 criteria scores in 3 ESG dimensions. We submit over 1,000 supporting evidence and calculation files attached to our DJSI questionnaire to prove Delta Thailand’s excellence in public disclosure in our SD Report.

What’s the value of SD activities to our work?

DET CSR activities

Global companies leading innovation increasingly see green business and ESG values as the new frontier for growth and value add to customers. At Delta we identified the following areas where we can all work together to add value to our stakeholders:

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)

Delta Activities


Investing 5% of annual revenue into R&D

Product and processes undergo continuous improvement that augments our customer’s technology development.

Maintaining excellent corporate governance reporting and AGM Score

Transparency for all stakeholders.

Entering Delta Thailand as a CAC Certified company

Boosting SME technology with the Delta Angel Fund

Customers can see our exploration of alternative technology supply sources.

Expanding global operations with a wide range of products and services.

We strive to supply any solution that our anywhere customers are looking for.

Protecting human rights with zero tolerance for child labor, forced labor or human trafficking. Providing an equal opportunity workplace for women as a multi-national company.

We support our customers with a responsible supply chain.

Promoting educational initiatives like the Delta Cup, Delta Energy Education Program, scholarships for employees and employee upskilling for Industry 4.0 operations.

Verifying all our manufacturing plants with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Designing and testing our products with the highest safety standards

Customer safety for all of our small device to large-scale solutions

Designing our products for high-efficiency applications to help our customers optimize/ reduce power consumption and reduce greenhouse gas that creates global warming

Encouraging our customers to always “do the right thing” for our planet

80% of our products made from metal and minerals are designed to be easily disassembled and recycled after their lifetime.


Using renewable energy for the manufacturing process.


If you want to know more or join our actions, please contact the Delta Thailand SD Office. You can also download our annual Delta Thailand SD reports. We thank you for your continued support as we build Delta into a company that contributes to a better tomorrow for all.

26 March 2021